360 Feedback
Report Features

Our new 360 report helps you get to the insights faster, plus you can customise the report to your requirements, meaning you can focus on the elements that matter to you

360 report segment


Clean and simple insights tool

Focused: Top 5 & bottom 5 scores


Highlighting the top and bottom scores for the individual, along with the question, cluster, and competence those scores relate toThis means it is easy to see if the person’s strengths or challenges are all in one area

Significant gap analysis

Gap Analysis Screrenshot

360 Feedback helps to raise self awareness; it brings your view of yourself and others view of you together to allow you to compare the two. Gap analysis highlights where there are significant differences in views

Focused questions

Question Focus Areas Grab

Specific questions from the report can be selected as being particularly important to the organisation. These can be highlighted or made bold in the report and also shown on a separate Focus Area page

Report at a glance

360 front cover
Overall Results Page
top 5 bottom 5 scores page
Data tables Page
360 Importance vs performance page
360 Traffic lights Page

Want more detail? Request a sample report

    Additional features

    Reviewer Groups

    The report layout means that you can now have up to 7 reviewer groups on a 360 (this used to be 4), giving more flexibility and granular feedback

    Importance Rating

    Candidates and reviewers can also rate the importance of each question, so in the report you can see the significance of the scoring

    Your Questions or Ours

    You can use our standard Insightful Leader 360 feedback questions, tweak the language to suit your business or use your own question set

    Customisable Reports

    Bespoke colours to match your brand, change the layout of the report to meet your needs.  These are all part of the 'partnering process'

    Traffic Lights

    Simple traffic lights highlight strengths and development needs as another way to access key insights and calibrate focus areas

    Fully Serviced Solution

    Let's make it easy. We’ll do all the admin for you. Our aim is to make life simpler and easier for you, your client, or your company